PHP 5 - Basic Terms and Definitions

Flash cards and terms, definitions, and concepts for Web Systems course using Apache, MySQL, PHP5, and IIS 7.

27 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Tim Berners-Lee create the Web in what year(s)?
1990 and 1991
A domain name is ....
A unique address used for identifying a computer, often a Web server, on the Internet
This refers to a large collection of communication protocols used on the Internet.
When a document conforms to the rules and requirements of XHTML, it is said to be ...
A _________ defines the elements and attributes that can be used in a document, along with the rules that a document must follow when it includes them.
DTD (Document Type Definition)
Which element is required in the<head> element?
_______ are a standard set by the W3C for managing the design and formatting of Web pages in a Web browser.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
A validating _____ is a program that checks whethern an XHTML document is well formed and whether the document conforms to a specific DTD.
A system consisting of a client and a server is known as a ____________
Two-tier system
A three-tier, or multitier, client/server system consists of three distinct pieces:
The client tier, the processing tier, and the server/data storage tier.
__________ is a client-side scripting language that allows Web page authors to develop interactive Web pages and sites.
__________________ us a server-side scripting language that is used for developing interactive Web sites.
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP)
_______ ________ refers to software for which the source code can be freely used and modified.
Open source
_____ ______ (or "binaries") refers to files that can be in the form of executable installation programs.
Binary format
_____ _____ is the original programming code in which an application was written.
Source code