Photosynthesis Quiz

Photosynthesis: Light and dark reactions

42 cards   |   Total Attempts: 185

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What does the word 'chlorophyll' derive from? What is it?
Greek: chloros = green, phyllon = leaf; therefore green leaf. It is a pigment that absorbs red and blue light, but reflects green light
What is the structure of chlorophyll?
It contains a porphyrin head which has a hydrophobic ring and absorbs light energy and a hydrocarbon tail which has a hydrophobic chain and is embedded in the thylakoid membrane like a phospholipid.
What does photosynthesis do?
Stores light energy into chemical bonds of sugars
What does cellular respiration do?
Transport stored chemical energy into usable energy (ATP)
Compare day/night reaction in plants
In the day, there is more photosynthesis than respiration; in the night, there is only respiration because there is no light.
What is the net chemical reaction of photosynthesis?
6 CO2 + 6 H20 ------> C6H12O6
What are the 2 major major stages of photosynthesis?
The light dependent and the light independent reactions (the Calvin Cycle)
What does the light dependent reaction require? What does it do? Where does it occur?
It requires light and chlorophyll pigments. It capture and transforms energy into ATP and NADPH (a coenzyme). It occurs in the grana (stack of thylakods)
When can the light-independent reactions occur? What happens during this reaction? Where does it occur?
It can occur in darkness or in light. Carbon fixation builds organic sugars from inorganic CO2, using ATP & NADPH from the light-dependent reaction. It occurs in the stroma (fluid in chloroplast, OUTSIDE of thylakoid)
What are the roles of the coenzymes?
They function as an electron and H+ carriers in photosynthesis and cell respiration.
What are some examples of coenzymes in photosnthesis? What do all coenzymes have the common structure of (VARP)?
Photosynthesis: NADP+
Common structure of: - Vitamin B (B3 --> NAD, B2 --> FAD, B5 --> CoA) - Adenine - Ribose - Phosphate
What three processes do the light-dependent reactions involve?
1: Photoexcitation, 2: Electron transport, 3: Chemiosmosis
What is required in photoexcitation? What are they and where are they located?
Two photosystems (PS-1 and PS-2) which are protein complexes embedded in the thylakoid membrane.
What does each photosystem contain?
Each contains an antenna complex therefore 100s of "resonant" chlorophyll a, b, & other pigments (e.g. caretenoids)
What does the antenna complex do?
It absorbs and transfers light energy towards the "Reaction centre" of the photosystem