Phlebotomy Chapter 6 Flashcards

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The thin membrane lining the heart that is continuous with the lining of the blood vessels is the
The partitions that separate the right and left chambers are called
The Bicuspid valve in the heart is also called
Mitral Valve
Function of the right ventricle?
To deliver blood to the pulmonary artery
Fast heart rate
Heart beat sound is caused by what?
Opening and closing of valves
Diastolic blood pressure is the pressure in the arteries during
Ventricular relaxation
Which arteries carry deoxygenated blood
A vein is defined as a blood vessel that carries
Blood to the heart
A distinct pulse that can be felt is an
Do veins or arteries have a thicker external layer?
The outer layer of a blood vessel is called ?
Tunica Adventitia
Which veins are most commonly used for venipuncture?
Median cubital and cephalic
*Just something to know*
Whole blood cells consist of cells, plasma, and solutes
A persons blood type is determined by antigens on the surface of
Red blood cells