Philosophy Exam 1

Philosophy Exam for the SDSU course.

22 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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What is Monotheism?
The belief in one god and that any beliefs in other gods should be rejected.
What is Dualism?
The belief that the body is made up of dual substances.
Descartes explains Dualism as?
A material body and an immaterial mind, or "soul."
Explain Determinism?
An important theory in metaphysics. The view that all things and all human beings are unfree because everything that occurs happens in accordance with some regular pattern.
Who coined the term natural selection?
Charles Darwin
Define Natural Selection?
He process by which traits become more or less common in a population due to consistent effects upon the survival or reproduction of their bearers. It is a key mechanism of evolution.
Who theorizes "actualizing needs?"
What does actualizing needs mean?
Associated with self fulfillment, creativity, self expression, and realization of our potential."Being everything we can be" "higher level needs"
What is epistemology?
The study of knowledge and truth.
Define ethics?
The branch of philosophy that tries to determine the good and right thing to do.
Define metaphysics?
The branch of philosophy that studies the nature of.
Name some issues that fall under metaphysics?
1. The place of humans in the universe.2. The purpose and nature of reality, and the nature of mind, self, and consciousness.3. Existence of God.4. Destiny of the Universe.5. The immortality of the soul.
What did Georg Hegel argue?
My own identity--who I really am--depends on my relationships with others and that I cannot be who I am apart from my relationships with others.
Hegel claims that each of us can know we have certain human qualities only when others recognize those qualities in us. T or F
What does the enduring self basically coin?
That you are today the same person you were earlier in your life.