PANCE Flashcards Pulmonary

Flashcards to help study for PANCE/PANRE- Pulmonary

137 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Tactile fremitus increased
Tactile fremitus decreased
Fever, anxiety, mechanical overventilation
Causes respiratory alkalosis
Copd, asthma, pneumonia
Causes for respiratory acidosis
DKA, renal failure
Causes metabolic acidosis
Prolonged vomiting, NG suctioning
Causes metabolic alkalosis
Low pH, elevated CO2
Respiratory acidosis
If pH is low and CO2 is low= metabolic acidosisIf pH is low, CO2 low, HCo3 low= compensated metabolic acidosis
CO2 should always be opposite pH otherwise it is metabolic, if all the same direction= compensated
What may cause drug induced asthma?
ASA, BBlockers, ACEI
Asthma: Daytime symptoms >2/wk but <1/day; nocturnal symptoms >2/month
Mild persistent asthma
Asthma: Daytime symptoms <2/wk nocturnal symptoms <2/month
Intermittent asthma
Continual daytime symptoms with limited physical activity and frequent exacerbation, frequent nocturnal symptoms
Severe persistent asthma
Increased AP chest diameter, decreased tactile fremitus, hyperesonance on percussion, decreased breath sounds
When to use spirometry in COPD patients
-All smokers >45 y/o with >10 Pack Hx-Anyone with chronic cough, DOE, mucus Hypersecretion, or wheezing
Spirometry findings COPD patient
FEV1/FVC that doesn't respond to bronchodilatorsIncreased residual volume (RV) and TLC
Parenchymal bullae/blebs