PANCE Flashcards EENT

Flashcards to help study for the PANCE/PANRE exam- EENT

142 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

Cards In This Set

Front Back
< 70 yo blindness
DM retinopathy (MCC)
> 70 yo blindness
Macular degeneration
Afferent papillary defect, marcus-gunn pupils
Optic nerve lesion. Tertiary syphilis (marcus-gunn)
Bilateral pinpoint pupils
Pontine hemorrhage
Bilateral DILATED pu;ils
Anticholinergics, TCA, anti-parkinsonian drugs, profound hypoxemia
Bilateral hemianopia
Optic chiasm lesion
Loss of central vision
Ipsilateral optic nerve lesion
Superior contralateral quadrantopia
Temporal optic radiation
Temporal field loss
Ipsilateral optic tract lesion
Eye trauma, diplopia. Exophthalmos, fixed upward gaze, hyphema
Orbital blow-out fracture; Immediate ophthalmology referral
Painless, nontender nodule on upper or lower eyelid
Painful swelling of upper or lower eyelid
Painless, yellow triangular nodule on conjunctivia
Pinguecula (more common on nasal side)
Curtain or veil over my eyes, new onset floaters
Retinal detachment
Transient monocular vision loss
Amaurosis fugax – TIA, emboli