A&P BIO 141: Joints

A&P BIO 141: Joints

102 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Joint (articulation)
The junction of two or more bones.
Articulation (joint)
The junction of two or more bones.
Synarthrosis (sin”ar-thro'sis)
Immovable joint.
Amphiarthrosis (am”fe-ar-thro'sis)
A slightly movable joint.
Diarthrosis (di”ar-thro'sis)
Freely movable joint.
Fibrous joints
In fibrous joints, the bones are joined by fibrous tissue, namely dense fibrous connective tissue, and no joint cavity is present.
Suture (soo'cher
An immovable fibrous joint; with one exception, all bones of the skull are united by sutures.
Synostosis (sin”os-to'sis)
A completely ossified joint; a fused joint.
Syndesmosis (sin”des-mo'sis)
A joint in which the bones are united by a ligament or a sheet of fibrous tissue.
A peg-in-socket fibrous joint.
Cartilaginous joints (kar”ti-laj'ï-nus)
Bones united by cartilage; no joint cavity is present.
Synchondrosis (sin”kon-dro'sis)
A joint in which the bones are united by hyaline cartilage.
Symphysis (sim'fih-sis)
A joint in which the bones are connected by fibrocartilage.
Synovial joint
Freely movable joint exhibiting a joint cavity; also called a diarthrosis.
Articular cartilage
Hyaline cartilage covering bone ends at movable joints.