A&P 1 Chapter 5 Integumentary System

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23 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What does integument mean
Covering skin
Integument is also called the
Cutaneous membrane
Integument is the largest what
Organ in the body
The integumentary system is composed of what
Skin and its accessory glands
Hairglands, receptors and nails are examples of what
The integumentary sytem is composed of
How many functions are there in the integumentary sytem
The integument system as as a covering to protect what from what
Deeper tissue from dehydration, trauma and germ invasion
What does the integumentary sytem regulate
Body temperture
The integumen system is the location for
Many receptors and nerve endings for sensory information
The integumentary sytem helps to manufacture the sunshine vitamin which is also known as what
Vitamin D in the pressence of sunlught
The integumentary sytem is a storage site for
Fat glucose water & salt
The integumentary system screen out harmful
Ultraviolent radiation and eliminates waste
The integumentary sytem can absorb certian
Chemicals & medications
The skin is composed of 2 principal layers and 1 underlying layer of tissue called what
Epidermis dermis subcutaneous
The epidermis is the what layer