Other-centered Selling OCS

This set of f lashcard

6 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

Front Back
What does ADAP stand for?
Acknowledge Drop the rope Answer Permission to move forward
Describe what a "Consultant" level of selling means.
Influences the decision-making process by understanding the stated and unstated needs, and communicating teh best solution for the agent.
What is the foundation of Enancing the Relationship?
Trust Credibility Rapport
What is the purpose of Enhancing the Relationship?
Ensures the agent embraces our recommendations.
What are the 4 goals (steps) in the Other-centered Selling model?
Engage Discovery Building Value Advance
What is the RAS Principle?
Decision -makers will only respond to messages that relate to a percieved need or creates a gap in their understanding.