Origin of Life

Biology 1801

59 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The universe began with the big bang theory about
13.7 BYA
Our solar system began about
4.6 BYA
The Earth is ___ _____ years old.
4.55 Billion
4 BYA the Earth enough for
Outer layers to solidify & oceans to form
Life Emerged.....
4-3.5 BYA
___________ &_____ _____ were produced prior to the existence of cells
Nucleotides, Amino Acids
Nucleotides and amino acids became polymerized to form?
DNA, RNA, & Proteins
Polymers became enclosed in?
Polymers enclosed in membranes acquired
Cellular properties
Stage 1: origin of organic molecules
conditions on primitive Earth may have been more conducive to spontaneous formation of organic molecules
Prebiotic or abiotic synthesis
Little free oxygen gas& formed prebiotic soup
Reducing atmosphere hypothesis
-based on geological data
Atmosphere rich in?
Water vapor, H2, CH4, NH3, and little O2
Chamber stimulates?
Atmosphere and bolts of lightning
Atmosphere hypothesis formed?
Precursors, amino acids, sugars, and nitrogenous bases