103 cards   |   Total Attempts: 187

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What is leadership
Key activities of leaders
Communication with and gain support of multiple constituiencies
Three broad levels of leadership and general responsibilities at each level
Senior- Develop staretgy, Middle- implemenet strategy, Front-Line- coach workers, design jobs and rewards system
Differences between leadership and management
Leaders do the fight things, create change vision, mamangers- do things rights, get things done through other people
Key behavioral styles identified in the University of Michigan and Ohio State Studies on leadership
Jobe centered, employee Ohio- inistating behaviors-paterns of organ/comm. consideration-expressing friendship, delvelop trust
Fiedler’s contingency model of leadership
Effectives of leaders depends on the interaction of the situation High LPC-realationship motivated, Low LPC leaders- task motivated
Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) perspective on leadership
In group/ leaderviews subordinates as capable, motivated, greater responability OUTGROUP- Subordinates are neither gualified nor motiavted
Leadership across societal cultures
Power distance- extend to which power is distributed
Key dimensions of societal culture discussed in class
Uncertain aviodance- degress of intolerable ambiguity, degreee of predicity
Universal beliefs about leadership
A Motivational, decisive, just and fair, plans ahead, dependable.
Transformational and transactional leadership
Inspire others to transcend interests for good of orgab. idealized influence, inspiration intellectual stimulation, individualism consideration
What is transformational leadership
Guide followers in direction of established goals, rewards/ recongnition
What are the key dimensions of transformational and transactional leadership
Management by exception (passive) interviews olny if needed
How did you rate your most recent manager according to the transformational leadership questionnaire
Laizzes- faire handoff in decision making
What do their scores say about their leadership style?