Organs, Structures, and Functions of Taste

Organs and structures of smell with functions 

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Contains papillae with taste buds
Projections of tongueContain taste budsThree types
Taste bud
Cluster of gustatory cells Located in papillae
Gustatory cells
Specialized cells sensitive to taste chemicals Come in several, five different types
Gustatory hairs
Binding site for taste chemicals Sweet: Sugars, alcoholsSour: AcidsSalty: Metal ions (Such as Na)Bitter: AlkaloidsUmami: Glutamate and aspartate
Basal cells
Stem cells for receptor cell replacement
Salivary glands
Produce saliva for dissolving taste molecules
Facial nerve
Cranial nerve, sensory for tasteCarries impulses to gustatory cortex
Glossopharyngeal nerve
Cranial nerve, sensory for tasteCarries impulses to gustatory cortex
Vagus nerve
Cranial nerve, sensory for tasteCarries impulses to gustatory cortex