Organs, Structures, and Functions of Smell

Organs and structures with the corresponding functions 

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Olfactory epithelium
Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelial tissueCovers superior nasal conchae of nasal cavityContains olfactory receptor cells
Olfactory receptor cells
Specialized cells sensitive to odorantsCome in several different types
Olfactory cilia
Binding site of odorant moleculesIncreases surface area for reception
Supporting cells
Support olfactory receptor cells Produce mucus to dissolve odorants
Basal cells
Stem cells for receptor cell replacement
Olfactory gland
Produce mucus to dissolve odorants
Cribriform plate
Openings in ethmoid bone Allow assage of olfactory nerve fibers
Olfactory nerves
Axon portion of olfactory receptor cells
Mitral cells
Second-order neurons Conduct sensory impulses along optic tract
Olfactory tract
Cranial nerve, sensory for smell Carries sensory input to olfactory cortex and limbic system