Organizational Behavior Test 1

Chapters 1-3

126 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is perception?
A process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment.
The world that is perceived is the world that is _______________ important.
What are the three factors that influence perception?
1. situation2. perceiver3. target
What does the attribution theory ascertain?
Perceivers try to "attribute" the observed behavior to a type of cause.
According to the attribution theory, what do they attribute to the internal?
Behavior is believed to be under the personal control of the individual.
According to the attribution theory, what do they attribute to external?
The person is forced into the behavior by outside events/causes.
What are the three determinants of attribution?
1. distinctiveness2. Consensus3. Consistency
What is distinctiveness?
Whether an individual displays different behaviors in different situations (the uniqueness of the act)
What is consensus?
Does everyone who faces a similar situation respond in the same way as the individual did?
What is consistency?
Does the person respond the same way over time?
What is the fundamental attribution error?
The tendency to underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate that of internal factors.
What is a self-serving bias?
Occurs when individuals overestimate their own (internal) influence on successes and overestimate the external influences on their failures.
What are four shortcuts used in judging others?
1. selective perception2. halo effect.3. contrast effects4. stereotyping
What is selective perception?
A perceptual filtering process based on interests, background, and attitude. May allow observers to draw unwarranted conclusions from an ambiguous situation.
What is the halo effect?
Drawing a general impression based on a single characteristic.