Organizational Behavior Chapters 1/2


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Organizational behavior
Explains and predicts how people and groups interpret events, react, and behave in organizations; descrives the role of organizational systems, structures, and processes in shaping behavior
Consists of people with formally assigned roles working together to achieve common goals
Organizational members who are responsible for hte attainment of organizational goals by planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the effords of others in the organization
Involves setting goals, establishing a stragety to pursue those goals, and forecasting future threats and opportunities that might influence the company's needs and strategies
Involves designing the organization's or working group's structure, identifying what tasks need to be done, hiriring the right ppl, delegating/assigning tasks, establishing a chain of command, and creating rules
Involves directing and coordinating the work of others, influencing and motivating others, maintaining morale, and resolving individual and group conflicts
Involves monitoring performance to ensure that it is consistent with quality and quantity standards, and taking appropriate actions to get back on track if necessary
Competitive advantage
Anything that gives a firm an edge over rivals in attracting customers and defending itself against competition
Cost leadership strategy
Striving to be the lowest-cost producer for a particular level of product quality
Operational excellence
Maximizing the efficiency of the manufacturing or product development process to minimize costs
Differentiation strategy
Developing a product or service that has unique characteristics valued by costumers
Product innovation
Developing new products or services
Specialization strategy
Focusing on a narrow market segment or niche and pursuing either a differentiation or cost leadership strategy within that market segment
Customer intimacy
Delivering unique and customizable products or services to meet customer's needs and increase customer loyalty
Growth strategy
Company expansion organically or through acquisitions