Organizational Behavior Ch. 2

Chapter 2 definitions

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Job performance
Employee behaviors that contribute either positively or negatively to the accomplishment of organizational goals
Task performance
Employee behaviors that are directly involved in the transformation of organizational resources into the goods or services the organization produces
Routine task performance
Well-known or baitual responses by employees to predictable task demands
Adpative task performance
Thoughtful responses by an employee to unique or unusual task demands
Job analysis
A process by which an organization determines requirements of specific jobs
Occupational information network
An online database containing job tasks, behaviors, required knowledge, skills, and abilities
Citizenship behavior
Voluntary employess hebaviors that contribute to organizational goals by improving the context in which work takes place
Interpersonal citizenship behavior
Going beyond normal job expectations to assist, support, and develop coworkers and colleagues
Assisting coworkers who have heavy workloads, aiding them with personal matters, and showing new employees the ropes when they are first on the job.
Sharing important info with coworkers
Maintaining a positive attitude with coworkers through good and bad times
Organizational citizenship behavior
Going beyond normal expectations to improve operations of the organization, as well as defending the organization and being loyal to it.
When an employee speaks up to offer constructive suggestions for change, often in reaction to a negative work event.
Civic virtue
Participation in company operations at a deeper-than-normal level through voluntary meetings, readings, and keeping up with news that affects the company
Positively representing the organization when in public