Oregon Property Management

74 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Highest and best use of property
Most profitable use of a particular property
Estimating future operating expenses could be done by?
Reviewing operating expenses on comparable properties
The maximum estate a person can hold?
Fee simple estate
Federal Fair Housing Act covers
Discrimination in residential mortgage financing
A Property Manager may
Collect a commission for the lease of an owners real estate
An operating budget
Establishes rental income for a year
Reconciled bank balance of the client trust acct must equal the sum balances in?
Each individual owners ledger acct
When contemplating a budget forecast, a property manager should?
Study past budget, past income and expense reports
Cash Flow Reports provide?
Actual financial status of a property during a given period of time
Tenancy for years (estate for years)
Fixed period of time (definite beginning and ending)
Periodic Tenancy
No fixed date, renews automatically
Tenancy from year to year falls here
Tenancy at Will
No definite term date. Expires at death
Tenancy of Suffering
Tenant stays after lease expires
Flat Lease (fixed Lease)
Payments the same throughout the lease
Graduated Lease
Periodic increases (escalator clause)