Oceanography Exam 3 Flashcards

Learn about different terms, keywords, and much more with our flashcards made for Oceanography Exam 3, and become a master of the topic.

102 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Why did the oxygen revolution occur? WHat's evidence it occurred?
The oxygen revolution occurred when organisms changed the atmosphere. Organisms began photosynthesizing and gave off oxygen. This oxygen was innitially poisonous.

Evidence is banded iron formations in rocks
Define Evolution
Change over time that life must constantly adapt to. Conditions that lead to adaptations of successive generations of species.
Define Species
1. Any group of individuals that have the same genetic material from the same gene pool.
2. Potentially interbreed to produce viable offspring
Define taxonomy
How we organize living (and dead) organisms
What is the Linnean Classification System. Who created it?
It is a classification sytem that put like organisms together.

Created by Carl Linneaus
Explain the L.C.S.
A secies is given a unique name
SPecies that share a large number of characteristics are grouped into genera
Genera are grouped into higher categories
What is a prokaryote?
A cell type that is simple, small, and has no nucleus
What is a eukaryote?
A cell type that is big, complex with many organelles, and is complex
What is a plankton? Give example
Plankton are organisms that have the life habit of not being able to swim. Also known as drifters

Example is a jelly fish
What is a nekton? Give example
An organisms the has the life habit of having the ability to swim.

Example is a fish
What are the 4 main types of phytoplankton?
1. Picoplankton
2. Diatoms
3. Dinoflagelletes
4. Coccolithophore
What are the three main types of zooplankton?
1. Krill
2. Copepod
3. Jellies
What are phytoplankton?
Autotrophs that live in the euphotic zone and are important to marine life. They are at the bottomof the food chain
What are zooplankton?
A type of plankton that are heterotrophs
What is the phylum chordata?
Sea squirts and vertebrate animals that have notocords