Nutrition Lecture 4 Minerals and Trace Minerals

26 cards   |   Total Attempts: 198

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Inorganic elements
Functions: Regulate body functions, do not provide energy, essential to good health
Major Minerals
Calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, sulfur, chloride
Most deficient in diet but body contains more calcium than any other mineral. Normal levels 8.9-10
Functions: Structure of bones, teeth, needed for muscle contraction, blood clotting
Hormones needed for proper Ca balance
Calcitriol, PTH, and Calcitonin
Chvosteks Sign
Occurs with deficient Calcium levels

Can be exhibited by tapping over the facial nerve on the face just across from the ear causing a twitch of the facial muscle on that side of the face
Trousseau's Sign
Caused with Ca deficiency

Spasm of forearm and hand when a blood pressure cuff is inflated on that arm
Calcium Deficiencies
Tetany, Chvostek's sign, Trousseau's sign, Osteoporosis, Rickets
Normal levels 2.5--4
Normal levels 135-145 meq/liter

Hyponatremia -Levels less than 135. S/S irritability, anxiety, muscle twitching,seizures

Hypernatremia - Levels over 145. S/S Thirst fatigue, flushed face, HTN
Normal levels 3.5-5

Hypokalemia - Levels less than 3.5. Can occur from chronic diarrhea, vomiting, and use of diuretics

Hyperkalemia -Levels more than 5. S/S irritability, abdominal cramps, irregular pulse, cardiac arrest.
Functions: transmit nerve impulses, relaxation of skeletal muscles, bone formation, stability of tooth calcium
Gives shape to hair and nails, component of amino acids

Best sources: protein foods
Needed for nerve impulses, muscle contractions

Normal levels 95-108

Deficiency in infants causes failure to thrive, in adults s/s are loss of appetite, muscle weakness,lethargy, alkalosis
Trace minerals
Iron, Iodine, Fluoride, Zinc, Copper, Selenium, Chromium, Manganese, Cobalt, Molybdenum
Needed for hemoglobin formation

Along wth Calcium is most deficient in diet

Iron supplements cause constipation

Toxicity: Hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis