Nutrition in Medicine Questions

The flashcards that came in the nutrition in medicine module required for the DPPT class at New Jersey Medical School.

67 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Deficiency of which two nutrients can cause angular cheilosis?
Riboflavin, iron
A deficiency of which mineral can cause neutropenia?
Other than trace elements, what other dietary deficiencies can contribute to impaired wound healing and/or pressure ulcers?
Energy, protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin C
What deficiencies are likely when someone presents with a banded hair-color variation?
Protein, energy
A patient with Bitot's spots may be deficient in which micronutrient?
Vitamin A
Weakness + joint pain together indicate which micronutrient deficiency?
Vitamin C
An angular stomatitis (cheilosis) patient may be deficient in which nutrient?
Hypochromic, microcytic anemia is associated with deficiency of which mineral?
Deficiency of which 9 dietary components can lead to a beefy red tongue (glossitis)?
Protein, energy, iron, vitamin B12, folate, niacin
Deficiency of which vitamin causes craniotabes?
Vitamin D
Deficiency of which nutrients may cause night blindness?
Vitamin A, zinc
Nasolabial seborrhea is caused by which micronutrient deficiency?
In a child with failure to thrive, which dietary components should you assess for?
Energy, protein, vitamins, trace elements
When a patient presents with sideroblastic anemia and anisocytosis, which two micronutrients may be deficient?
Copper, vitamin B6
What is the PRIMARY macronutrient deficiency associated with Kwashiorkor?