Explain the Biology of the Lipids Flashcards

84 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is a Lipid?
A bamily of organic (carbon containing) compounds soluble in organic solvents but not in water.
Name 3 types of Lipids
Triglycerides (fats and oils)
What is Cholesterol?
A member of the group of lipids known as sterols .
A soft waxy stubstance made in the body for a variety of puposes and also found in animal derived foods.
What are Fats?
Lipids solid at room temperature
What are oils?
Lipids that are liquid at room temperature.
What is cardiovascular disease? (CVD)
Disease of the heart and blood vessels.
Disease of the heart is also called coronary heart disease. (CHD)
What are Triglycerides?
Tryglycerides - one of three main classes of dietary lipids and the chief form of fat in foods and in the human body.
What are Triglycerides made up of?
What is another name for them?
1. Triglycerides are made of 3 units of fatty acids and one of glycerol.
2. Triglycerids are also called Triaglycerols .
What percentage of body fat are Triglycerides?
What is the chief form of storage in the body for energy eaten in excess of need?
What provides most of the bodys energy for work, especially muscular work?
What are fat tissues called?
Adipose tissues
What do adipose (fat) tissues do?
Adipose tissues secrete hormones that help regulate appetite and influence other body functions in ways critical to good health.
How is lipid stored in a fat cell?
Lipid is stored in a fat cell as a droplet.
This can greatlh expand to accomodate swollen contents.
How do the storage mechanisms differ between fats and glycogen?
Fats can store more energy tightly together in a small place without water.