Northeastern States - Facts

Facts about northeast states

23 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Empire State
New York
Famous for skyscrapers, museums, shopping, and theaters
New York
West Point Academy
US Military Academy - New York
Great Lakes - Erie and Ontario Niagra Falls
New York
Lake Placid
Winter Olympics in 1932 and 1980 - New York
Yankee Stadium
Bronx - New York
New York Mets
Queens - New York
Gateway to many immigrants
Ellis Island - New York
Statue of Liberty - a gift from
France (New York)
Cape Cod
Harvard University
When and where did the Pilgrims come?
1620, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Who warned the American soldiers that the British were coming? When? This was the beginning of the?
Paul Revere April 1775 The Amrican Revolutionary War
Many forests and lots of seafood
What famous writers lived in Massachusetts?
Edgar Allen Poe and Emily Dickenson Massachusetts