NCLEX Reviewer

NCLEX Reviewer

64 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Heroin overdose symptoms
Pinpoint pupils,Respiratory Depression,Hypotension (downer)
Heroin withdrawal symptoms
Dilated pupils, irritability, tremors, anorexia, piloerection (upper effect)
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms
Diaphoresis,Restlessness,N&V (downer)
Acute cocaine intoxication
Dilated pupils, euphoria, diaphoresis
MAOi - Nardil, Parnate, Marplan
(No Popular Meds) NPM
- Barbiturates (CNS depressants, alcohol)
- tricyclic antidepressants (Sinequan)
- amphetamines (psychostimulant ie Ritalin)
- AntiHYPERtensives
- OTC cold meds
- No food with tyramine (pickled food, cheese, wine)

Sweating, Tremors, Dizziness, Increase BP, tachy
Appropriate time to change ileostomy pouch
Q 3-7 days
Type of Lung sounds heard with pneumonia and CHF
Soft, high pitched interrupted sounds on inspiration
Lung sounds heard on Pericardial friction rub
Harsh grating sounds heard best during inspiration
Chronic bronchitis
Deep low pitched rumbling sounds mainly during expiration, rhonchi
What is SIADH?
- Syndrome of inappropriate Antidiurectic hormone
- Excessive amounts of ADH secreted by pituitary and causes water imbalance;

What common conditions would you see SIADH?
- Lung cancer
- Head injury
- Encephalitis
- Myxedema (severe HYPOthyroidism)
Preparing for Angiogram (dye injected into arteries and examine vascular system)
- Assess allergy
- Check pulses
- Explain dye will be warm
Crohn's disease -entire colon wall infected
- Right lower quadrant pain
- Diarrhea
- Weight loss
- Low grade fever
- DIET: high protein, high calorie diet, low residue
What is a low residue diet?
Foods to include:
- White bread, white rice (NO whole grains)
- Canned or well-cooked vegetables (NO skins)
- Moderate fresh fruits without peels or seeds
- Tender, ground, and well cooked meat, fish, eggs, and poultry
- Milk and yogurt (usually limited to 2 cups per day), mild cheese, ricotta, cottage cheese
- Broth and strained soups from allowed foods
- Pulp free, strained, or clear juices
Anti-anxiety: Librium - SE?
SE: drowsiness and hypotension