NCCT Test Review for Medical Assistants (Office Procedures)

NCCT Test rev iew for

43 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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One who acts for the insured or the carrier in a claim is called?
A person or institution that give medical care is a?
An amount the insured must pay before policy benefits begin is called?
An organization that offers insureance against losses in exchange for a premium is called a?
Health maintenance organization
Health insurance that provides protection against the high cost of threatening severe or lengthy illnesses or disabilities is called?
An illness or injury that prevents an insured person from performing one or more of the functions of his regular job is called?
Partial disability
A previous injury, disease or physical conditino that existed before the health insurance policy was issued is called?
Pre-existing condition
To prevent the insured from receiving a duplicate payment for losses under more than one insurance policy is called?
Coordination of benefits
Insurance designed to offset medical expensses resulting from catastrophic or prolonged illness or injury is called?
Major medical
The period of time in which a notice of claim or proof of loss must be filed is called?
Time limit
A rider added toa policy to provide additional benefits for certain conditions is called?
Dread disease rider
An interval after a payment is due to the insurance company in which the po,licy holder may make payments, and still the policy remains in effect is called?
Grace period
The Tri-Care fiscal year is from?
October 1 to September 30
The Employees Withholding Exemption Certificate form number is?
An Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return form is a?