Narrative Comprehension Cards for Comprehension

Generic Compr ehension

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Who is the main character? What traits would describe that character?
Narrative Comprehension Cards
When you visualized the setting of the story, what did you picture in your mind? Describe the setting.
Narrative Comprehension Cards
What is the problem in the story? How was it solved?
Narrative Comprehension Cards
Can you identify the theme of this story? What details helped you identify the theme?
Narrative Comprehension Cards
Which of your classmates or friends do you think would enjoy this book? Why?
Narrative Comprehension Cards
Tell about a connection you made as you read this book . (connection to self, to books or to the world)
Narrative Comprehension Cards
Compare and contrast a character in this book with yourself. How are you alike and different?
Narrative Comprehension Cards
Retell the story in sequence. Remember to include the main idea and important details.
Narrative Comprehension Cards
What was the author's purpose for writing this story? Do you think he or she accomplished that goal? Why or why not?
Narrative Comprehension Cards
If you could write a new ending for this book, how would you change it?
Narrative Comprehension Cards