What Do You Know About Deltoid Muscle Terms Flashcards

How Well do you have Knowledge of Deltoid Muscle Terms? Answer these quiz based flashcards based on the Deltoid Muscle Terms. This flashcard is simple and easy to attempt and is more fun-oriented.

48 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

Cards In This Set

Front Back
What is the insertion of the trapezius muscle?
Clavicle, acromion process, spine of scapula
What is the action of the deltoid muscle?
Abducts arm, flexes, extends, medial and lateral arm rotation
What is the insertion of the latissiums dorsi muscle?
Intertubercular groove of humerous
Name the origin of the supraspinatus muscle.
Supraspinous fossa
What is the insertion of the pectoralis minor?
Coracoid process of scapula
What is the origin of the pectoralis minor?
Ribs 3-5
Does the biceps brachii muscle originate or insert in the humerus?
Name the action of the pectoralis major.
Flexes, rotates medially, rotates the arm
What is the insertion of the subscapularis?
Lesser tubercle of the humerous
What is the action of the triceps brachii?
Extends and adducts the arm, extends forearm
What is the origin of the brachialis?
Anterior, distal surface of humerous
Name all the muscles that flex the arm.
Corabrachialis, biceps brachii, deltoid, pectoralis major
Which muscles are antagonists to the tricepts brachii?
Biceps brachii
What is the origin of the flexor carpi ulnaris?
Medial epicondyle of humerous, olecranon process and dorsal border of ulna
What is an antagonist to the supinator muscle?
Pronator quadratus, pronator teres