Muscle Anatomy

Muscular anat omy for

54 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Front Back
Internal Oblique
-aids muscle of back in trunk rotation and lateral flexion -oblique curls
Transverse abdominis
Compresses abdominal contents
Origin- occipital bone, ligumentum nuchae, spine c7 and all thoracic vertabrae Insertion- acromion and spinous process of scapula, lateral third of clavicle -extends head -stablizes scapula
Latissimus Dorsi
-prime mover of arm extension -adducts and medial rotates arm
- lateral rotation of humerous -stabilizes shoulder
Teres Minor*
-origin: lateral margin of scapula -insertion: greater tubercle of humerous -helps hold head of humerous in gleniod cavity
Teres Major
-extends, medially rotates, and adducts humerous
-assists abduction of humerous
Levator Scapulae
-elevates and adducts scapula
-origin: spinous process of c7 and t1-t5 -insertion: medial border of scapula -pulls scapula medially
-extend head and vertebral column
Erector Spinae
-extend and bend vertebral column laterally
-extend of hyperextend head
Pectoralis major
-prime mover of arm extension -adducts medially rotates arm
Serratus anterior
-moves scapula forward toward chest wall