I/O Psychology

EPPP topics r e: I/O P

122 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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An employee's mental and physical health is most related to job ___________.
A needs assessment usually consists of these 3 elements:
Job, person, and organizational analysis
In Expectancy Theory, Instrumentality refers to
The belief that one's performance will be rewarded.
The effect of high group cohesiveness on productivity is:
Highly cohesive groups are more productive, but only when management is supportive of the group.
An assumption underlying "groupthink" is
Pressures toward uniformity limit task effectiveness.
The belief that job-related behaviors are related to the congruence between basic personality and characteristics of the work environment underlies:
Holland's occupational themes (RIASEC)
A predictor will have the highest incremental validity when:
The selection ratio is low and the base rate is moderate
In terms of predicting job performance, "g" (general cognitive ability):
Is predictive of performance across a wide range of jobs
According to Fiedler's Contingency Model, supervisor's ability to lead their employees depends most on
The supervisor's relationships with their employees.
Peer appraisals are most useful for
Predicting promotions and raises.
What is the difference between a job analysis and a job evaluation?
A job analysis is done to determine the requirements (knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics "KSAOs") of a job; a job evaluation is used to determine the relative worth of a job for the purpose of setting salaries/wages.
Subjective measures of employee performance sometimes have limited accuracy due to biases of the raters. Describe the Halo Effect.
The Halo Effect occurs when a rater is influenced by a general impression of the employee or by one characteristic of the employee (i.e. communication skills) and therefore rates the rest of this employee's characteristics similarly (if communication high, the rest of the employee's items rated high).
When raters are provided with adequate training it can reduce their biases. Describe Frame-of-reference (FOR) training.
Training to reduce biases has been found to be most effect when it focuses on identifying and distinguishing between levels of performance. Frame-of-reference training providers raters with information about what constitutes effective and ineffective performance on each dimension of the job.
What are critical incidents?
Critical incidents are behaviors associated with a specific job which contribute to either successful or unsuccessful performance.
What is criterion contamination?
Criterion contamination occurs when the rating of an employees performance is affected by irrelevant factors (i.e. if the rater has knowledge of the employees predictor performance this could contaminate their ability to accurately rate the criterion).