Money Quiz Questions

Questions for each section of quiz *role of money *history of money *economic institutions *online banking---pros and cons

21 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is Fiat money?
Government issued money based on its own laws. Could be traded as though it has value of its own.
Who backs our money?
The government.
Who is responsible for maintaingin adequate money supply?
Federal Reserve System.
What is money?
Any circulatory medium of exchange.
What is the scientific study of money and its history?
What is a savings and loan institution?
Specialized bank created to promote affordable homeownership.
What is the S & L crisis?
Failure of 747 saving and loan associations in the United States.
What is the FIRREA?
Financial Institutions Reform Recovery and Enforcement Act.
What caused the S&L crisis?
Congress relaxed restrictions on savings and loans activities, allowing these banks to invest in risky commercial ventures.
How much did the S & L crisis cost?
$153 billion.
Most banks are_____?
Profit-making, private emterprises.
What is the FDIC?
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. *funds in non-interest bearing transaction accounts are fully insured
What is a credit union?
A cooperative financial institution that is owned and controlled byits members. Providing credit at reasonable rates and other financial services (not for profit)
What is a saving and loan association?
Also known as a Thrift. A financial institution that specializes in accepting savings deposits and making mortgage loans.
What is the senate ethics committee?
Group of senators that deal with matters related to senatorial ethics. Evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans.