Module 1: Today's Environment


59 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Chronic Kidney Disease
Dialysis Team
Technicians, nurses, dietitians, social workers, doctors and patients
Self managing patients
Patients who self manage their care and know more about it stay healthier and live longer.
Patients health depends on these factors:
Age, former activity level, proper treatment, other illnesses, and support from loved ones.
Main treatment of ESRD
Dialysis replaces 3 main kidney tasks
Removing wastes from the blood, removing excess fluid from the blood, and keeping electrolytes in balance
Electrically charged particles
2 main types of dialysis
Hemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD)
Artificial kidney
Contains a semipermeable membrane which allows some substances, such as wastes and excess water out, but keeps others, such as blood cells, in.
Dialyzer membrane
Wastes and water pass through the membrane into a fluid called dialysate and some substances pass from the dialysate into the blood.
Delivery System
Dialysis machine
Dialysis Machine
Controls the flow of blood to the dialyzer, includes safety alarms to monitor the machine during a treatment and mixes and delivers dialysate.
Access for PD
Is through a catheter (tube) placed in the abdomen. The blood never leaves the body; instead, the lining of the abdomen, which has many tiny blood vessels, acts as a filter in the same way as a dialyzer.
Most common type of PD
Patients use a cycler machine at home while they sleep, to cycle sterile dialysate in and out of the abdomen.