Modern Europe: Midterm

Terms for UVM modern europe midterm with denise youngblood. Its gonna be hella hard.

77 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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A particular political philosophy, economic and sociological worldview based upon a materialist interpretation of history. · The fundamental struggle and defining aspect of history is class difference. · The preliterate and the bourgeoisie can’t work together and a violent revolution
· Leader of the Filiki Eteria, a secret organization that coordinated the Greek war of independence against the Ottoman empire.
Alexander Ypsilanti
· 1846, 1847, 1848, 1851: Irish potato famine. Potato crop, primary source of nourishment for Irish population. 1.5 million die of famine and 1 million immigrate to the United States.
Great Famine
· Served twice as British prime minister · Creator of the modern Conservative party
Benjamin Disraeli
· The President of the French Second Republic and the ruler of the Second French Empire. · The Nephew of Napoleon I · Was ruler of the French until he was captured in 1870 during the Franco-Prussian War
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte
· Prime minister of Prussia/Germany 1862-1890, oversaw unification of Germany in 1871 · “Iron Chancellor” · Stripped Church’s power · Unified Germany · Makes Germany leading world power.
Otto von Bismarck
· The union was between Austria and Hungary as a result of the Ausgleich or Compromise of 1867. · The Habsburg empire agreed to share power iwht the separate Hungarian government. · This Dual Monarchy existed for 51 years until 1918, when it broke apart following the military defeat in the First world war
Dual Monarchy
· First Russian ruler to recognize that Russia was behind most of Europe (1818-1881) · Emancipated serfs · Reformed education, courts, military, finance, local government, and censorship. · Anti-Semitic
Alexander II
· War between the Boers (old dutch settlers) in South Africa and Britain (1899-1902) · British used concentration camps for Boer POW. · Diamonds and Gold were discovered in Transvaal (land given for Boers)
Boer War
· Congo is given to King Leopold II of Belgium to keep balance of power. · It was ruthlessly exploited by its European rulers.
Congo Free State
Was a coalition of Russia, Austria, and Prussia created in 1815. The idea of Alexander I of Russia. The three powers were against revolution and banded together against revolution in each respective country. They were against democracy, revolution, and secularism. They are loosely associated with UK and France in the Balance of European powers.
Holy Alliance
· Set a restrictions to stop revolutionary tendencies by confederate states of Germany.
Carlsbad Decrees
· Each ethnic group should have own independent state. · The subject can include the belief that one’s nation is of primary importance.
· Import tariffs designated to protect corn prices in United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland against competition from less expensive foreign imports.
Corn Laws
· Was a French politician and historian. A socialist who favored reforms, he called for the creation of procedure cooperatives in order to guarantee employment for the city poor.
Louis Blanc