MKT 450: Consumer Behavior - Chap. 5 & 6

Textbook notes

48 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Evalution that expresses how much we like or dislike an object; learned and persist over time; based on set of associations linked to it
1) guide thoughts - cognitive function
2) influence feelings - connative function
Five characteristics of attitude: favorability
Five characteristics of attitude: attitude accessibility
Five characteristics of attitude: attitude confidence
Five characteristics of attitude: persistence
Five characteristics of attitude: resistance
-how much we like or dislike an attitude object
-how easily and readily an attitude can be memorized
-described in terms of strength
-vary in endurance
-resistance to subsequent change
Attitudes are based on cognitions
Based on thoughts about info received from an external source; info we recall from memory
Attitudes are based on emotions
Favorable attitude b/c of feelings
How much thinking consumers put in attitude formation
Central-route processing
Thinking about a message requires some effort; consumer attitude based on analysis of central issues in a message
Peripheral-route processing
Involves limited effort to create attitude or change it
Marketers can influence consumer attitudes either
1) cognitively
2) affectively
1) influencing thoughts or beliefs about the offering
2) influencing emotional experiences consumers associate w/ offering
Cognitive models of attitudes: 1) direct or imagined experience
Elaborating on an actual experience can help consuemrs form pos or neg attitudes
Cognitive models of attitudes: 2) reasoning by analogy or category
Considering how similar a product is to other products
Cognitive models of attitudes: 3) values-driven attitudes
Generated or shaped on individual values; drive the formation of attitude toward a particular brand or product
Cognitive models of attitudes: 4) social identity-based attitude generation
The way consumers view their social identities in forming attitudes towards products; product helps express this social identity
Cognitive models of attitudes: 5) analytical processes of attitude formation
Attitudes based on cognitive responses (thoughts had when exposed to a communication)
Cognitive responses to communications
Def: thoughts had when exposed to a communication
response to a message:
-counterarguments: disagreement w/ message
-support arguments: agreement w/ message
-source derogations: discount or attack message source
Belief discrepancy
Create counterarguments to maintain existing belief systems; argue against the message