MKT 291 - Chapter 9 Flashcards

Chapter 9

21 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Market Segmentation
Involves aggregating prospective buyers into groups that..1. have common needs2. will respond similarly to a marketing action188
Market Segments
Relatively homogenous groups of prospective buyers that result from the market segmentation process
- people who are relatively similar to the others in buying comsumption188
Effective Marketing does two things..
Forms meaningful groupings
develops specific marketing mix actions
Marketing segmentation links
1. identify market needs
2. link needs to actions
3. executive marketing program actions
Product differentiation
The strategy of using different marketing mix activities to help consumers perceive a product as being different and better than competing products
Segmentation strategies (3)
1. one product and multiple market segments
2. multiple products and multiple market segments
3. segments of one or mass customization
Example of "one product and multiple market segments"
Sports illustrated issue with 4 different covers
harry potter and different covers 189
Multiple products and multiple market segments
Some call it Tiffany/Walmart strategy (two tier strategy)
firms now offere different ariations of the same basic offering to high-end and low-end segments.
abercrombie jeans vs old navy 190
Segments of one: mass customization
Tailoring goods or services to the tastes of individual customers on a high-volume scale
next step past "build-to-order" (BTO), manufacturing a priduct only when there is an order from a customer
ex: apple restricts its products to only a couple models and can build a computer in 4 mins --> cuts delivery time 191
The segmentation trade off: synergies versus cannibalization
Organizational Synergies: the increased customer value achieved through performing organizational functions such as marketing or manufacturing more efficiently
Cannibalization: with increased customer value comes adding new products or new chain of stores. sometimes new chains will steal customers and sales from the other chain 191
5 step process for segmenting and targeting markets
1. group potential buyers into segments2. groups products to be sold into categories3. develop a market-product grid and estimate the size of markets4. select target markets5. take marketing actions to reach target markets
Criteria to use in forming the segments
1. simplicity and cost-effectiveness of assigning potential buyers to segments
2. potential for increased profit
3. similarity of needs of potential buyers within a segment
4. difference of needs of buyers among segments
5. potential of a marketing action to reach a segment
What should you do if there isnt too much of a difference in needs between segments
Combine them into fewer segments 192
Ways to segment consumer markets
Geographic segmentation
demographic segmentation
psychological segmentation
behavioral segmentation
Frequency marketing
Focuses on usage rate
encourages to become loyal customers