Managing Information Technology Flashcards

MIS 300 EXAM 2 for the winter quarter

129 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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What are the different types of information?
C. Levels, formats, granularities
2.Which of the following is an example of transactional information?
D. All of the above
3.Which of the following implies that information is current with respect to the business requirement?
D. Timeliness
4. Which of the following represents the different information levels?
. Individual, department, enterprise
5. What encompasses all organizational information and its primary purpose is to support the performing of managerial analysis tasks?
Analytical information
6. Which of the following is not one of the five characteristics common to high quality information?
7. Which of the following is a quantitative model typically used by a DSS?
All of the above
8. What finds the inputs necessary to achieve a goal, such as a desired level
D. Goal-seeking analysis
9. Which of these systems processes large amounts of data for routine transactions
C. Executive Information Systems
Which of these systems deals with semi-structured decisions?
B. Decision Support Systems
11. Which of the following represents the top-down (executives to analysts) organizational levels of information technology systems?
All of the following are characteristics of information, except
D. Quantity
16. Which of the following is an example of transactional information?
C. Purchasing stock
20. All of the following are reasons why operational systems are not appropriate for business analysis, except:
B. Operational systems are integrated
21. What do data warehouses support?
B. Analytical processing