Mircobiology Quiz Flashcards

How well do you know about the following Microbiology? Answer these quiz-based flashcards based on Microbiology, and check your knowledge. Explore some excellent knowledge related to the following biology of Biochemistry.  

118 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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M-phase chromatin is...?
Tightly packed into visible chromosomes
Most eukaryotic DNA is packaged into..
Answer 2
DNA between nucleosomes is...
Answer 3
Linker DNA
DNA most tightly associated with the nucleosome is called..
Answer 4
Core DNA (wrapper around histone core)
The histone core comprises these four histone proteins
H2A . H2B . H3 . and H4
Histone core is _____ charged
Positively (this is why DNA -neg charged- associates with it
all human histones contain no less than 20% of these particular amino acids.
Lysine and arginine (both pos charged)
Histone fold domain
which is “conserved” (the same) for all the core histones, can assemble intermediate structures without DNA. (H2A/H2B diamer and H3/H4 tetramer
Histone helices
The cylinders represent protein “helices” (called α-helices) that look a lot like a DNA helix!
Histone H1
Binds to linker DNA btw nucleosomes
Histone h1 binds to 2 regions
1) The linker DNA on one side of the nucleosome; 2) The center of the 147 bp “protected” DNA, at the “dyad axis” (basically, the “center”).
Size of fiber w/o H1
W/o= 30nm w=10nm (closely together)
Solenoid model
Answer 13
nucleosome discs are stacked on “edge” in the form of a helix, and the linker DNA is buried in thecenter of the “superhelix” but it never passes through or crosses the axis of the 30 nM fiber itself.
Zig-Zag model
Answer 14
the 30 nM fiber is a compacted form of “zigzag” nucleosome arrays, and the linker DNA must pass straight through the central axis of the fiber
"N" terminal tails
Of core histones are CRUCIAL in forming 30nm fibers