Business of Microeconomics Flashcards

Chapters 7 -13.

43 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The model that lyes at the heart of economics describing the behavior of markets.
Supply and Demand
In the product markets consumer behavior is modeled by the ______
Demand curve
In the resource markets the choices of households is modeled by the ______
Supply curve
Consumers tend to save ______ when interest rates are higher.
Is important in economics because scarcity forces consumers to make decisions.
The Concept of Scarcity.
When making choices consumers compare perseved costs and benefits and choose the options with the greatest relative benefits.
Most closely defined as level of satisfaction.
The extra-satisfaction of the next unit consumed.
Marginal utility
States that, as more of a good or service is consumed, its marginal utility decreases.
The law of diminishing marginal utility.
If an average cost curve is U-shaped, then cost per unit first fall, then reach a minimum, and the increases when output is increased.
In the long run there are no fixed factors of production, all factors of production are variables.
____,______, and ______ are resources used in production
Land, Labor, and Capital.
Is the transformation of resources into economic goods and services.
Describes the relationship between output and resources.
Circular-flow chart
The firm uses a combination of resources to produce goods and services.