Microbiology - Differential Tests Flashcards

How well can do you know about the Microbiology - Differential Tests terms and definitions? Answer these quiz based flashcards based on the Microbiology - Differential Tests and check your knowledge.

45 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is the principle of the catalase test?
See if org has catalase enzyme which converts H2O2 into H2O + O2 (look for the O2 bubbles)
What is the principle of the tube coagulase test?
See if the bug has free coag. if yes, combines with a CRF, then w/ fibrinogen to form a fibrin clot.
What is the principle of the slide coagulase test?
See if the bug has bound coag. If yes, the coag can interact directly w/ fibrinogen to form a clot.
What is the principle of the DNAse Toluidine blue method?
See if the bug has the enzyme. If yes, it cleaves the DNA. dye is no longer attached and becomes clear.
What is the principle of the HCL flood plate DNAse test?
Intact DNA is cloudy. if bug has DNase, it will cleave it and make it soluble (clear)
What is the principle of the CAMP test?
See if the bug has CAMP which interacts with staph hemolysin.
What is the principle of the latex agglutination acid method?
Add acid, test isolate, neutralizer, Ab coated latex particles. will bind to specific Ag if present. works for all gr except D
What is the principle of the latex agglutination enzyme extraction method?
Use pronase B enzyme + test isolate. incubate, add Ab coated latex particles. will bind to Ag if present. works for all grs.
What is the principle of the PYR test?
Look to see if bug has PYR enzyme which turns Sutter's reagent (cinnamaldehyde) into B-naphthylamine (pink)
What is the principle of the hippurate test?
See if the bug can use hippurate to form glycine which interacts with ninhydrin to form a purple complex.
What constitutes a positive result in the columbia agar deep test? what bug is positive for this test?
Orange pigment in the stab line (used the excess starch in the media); gr B strep
Where do you incubate the Optochin/Taxo P test? What result is considered 'S'? 'R'?
CO2 incubator; = 14 is susceptible
What is the principle of the bile solubility test?
See if the organism can dissolve in bile
What is the principle of the BEA test? how much bile is in this media?
See if the bug can withstand 40% bile; see if the bug can hydrolyze esculin to esculetin.
What is the principle of the NaCl test?
See if the bug can withstand salt.