Define the Following Terms of Meteorology in Earth's Atmosphere Flashcards


39 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The vertical temperature structure of the troposphere is described by ....
The lapse rate
Air may best be described as...
A mixture
Which of these is NOT a significant factor in the role played by particles or dust in the atmosphere?
Ozone production
The approximate altitude of auroral displays is...
80-400 km
The majority of the water outside of the oceans is in the form of...
Glacial ice
Dust in the atmosphere is associated with which of the following:
All of the above
With an increase in altitude, air pressure...
Decreases at a decreasing rate
This atmospheric component absorbs damaging ultraviolet radiation from the sun...
None of these
When CFC's are subjected to sunlight, ________ is released which acts to destroy ozone molecules.
The aurora borealis will most likely be stronger...
When there is a lot of solar flare activity
The first function of water vapor in the Earth's original atmosphere was to...
Fall as rain and thus cool the Earth's surface
The heterosphere and ionosphere are found in the...
Weather affects...
All of these
This variable atmoshperic component can exist in all three states of matter at the temperatures and pressures that normally exist on Earth.
Which of the following is the most important atmospheric component with regard to the Earth's climate?
Water vapor