Can You Answer These Meteorology of Lapse Rate Flashcards


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During the process of adiabatic cooling, the temperature decreases because the air has...
Expanded to a larger volume
A cold air mass that is warmed at its base from contact with the warm ground will have its lapse rate...
Adiabatic processes are only important for air...
Which is rising or sinking
Natural convection and turbulence are most likely to occur when...
Temperature decreases rapidly with height
The relative humidity is 40% and the mixing ratio at saturation is 20 grams per kilogram. What is the actual mixing ratio?
8 gm/kg
The most common reason why dew forms on the grass at night is that...
Temperatures are coolest in the grass
The buoyancy of a rising air parcel is greatly affected by...
Heat released if water vapor condenses
If the air temperature remains constant, evaporating water into the air will _____ the dew point and _____ the relative humidity.
Increase, decrease
The capacity of the air to hold water vapor...
Increases with an increase in temperature
________ results in the release of about 600 calories of latent heat per gram.
The vertical motions that occur when the air is unstable are termed...
The property which primarily controls how much water can be present as a gas is...
Temperature of the air
The change of state from gas to liquid is called...
The temperature of rising air parcels ______ as they move upward.
The atmosphere is most unstable when the temperature of the air ______ with height.
Drops rapidly