Concept of Humidity in Meteorology Questions Flashcards

This Flashcard quiz is designed to learn and answer the correct term for following the concept of humidity in Meteorology. Try out this Flashcard quiz based on the Concept of humidity in Meteorology and check out your knowledge. These Flashcards help one to memorize the important terms.

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Relative humidity in cities is usually _____ compared to rural areas.
What is the basic reason why condensation is not very important in causing a cloud droplet to grow to raindrop size?
Condenation is too slow
Dew point is the temperature at which water vapor in the air begins to condense. The temperature inside a cloud would therefore be...
About equal to the dew point
The _______ cloud may have an "anvil head"
A ________ consists of two compartments each capable of holding 0.025 cm of water.
Tipping-bucket gauge
When warm moist air moves over a cold surface, _______ fog may result.
Clouds, dew, and frost all form because air has become saturated. This condition of saturation is usually caused by...
The air being cooled
If ice crystals form in this cloud, they will experience the cloud environment as having a relative humidity of...
More than 100%
A halo around the Sun or Moon indicates the cloud _______ is present.
The necessary conditions for hail formation include strong upward vertical motion and...
Large numbers of supercooled droplets
Of the following cloud types, which is most likely to produce the most rain?
A cloud type that develops as a consequence of local convection is...
A wintertime form of precipitation that consists of small ice particles is called...
None of these
The most common way for air to be cooled in order that a cloud may form is by...
Rising and expanding
Freezing rain (ice storm) or sleet occurs when...
Upper air is warm and surface air is cold