Meteorology Short Answer


10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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A lightweight instrument package that is carried aloft by a balloon and transmits data on temperature, pressure, and humidity is called a.....
The portion of the atmosphere where the makeup of the air is uniform in terms of the proportions of its component gases is termed the....
The primary usefullness of satellites in observing the weather is their ability to provide...
Cloud images
What are the two energy sources for the Earth system?
The sun and earth's interior
The state of the atmosphere at a given time and place defines the term...
Martian weather is dominated by this gas:
Carbon dioxide
List six of the basic elements of weather and climate:
1. Air temperature 2. Humidity 3. Air pressure 4. The speed and direction of wind 5. Type and amount of precipitation 6. Type and amount of cloudiness
What causes the region of warmer temperatures found in the stratosphere?
The ozone layer
If a scientific theory is to be accepted and considered useful, it must be able to....
Correctly predict
The Earth's physical environment is traditionally divided into three major parts, one solid, one liquid, and one gaseous. List the three parts.
1. Lithosphere 2. Hydrosphere 3. Atmosphere