Define Meteorology of Heating Earth's Surface and Atmosphere Flashcards


46 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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During the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere, the circle of illumination passes directly through the...
Clouds play an important role in the Earth's energy budget because they...
Reflect solar energy
The primary factor which determines what type and how much radiation an object emits is its...
The strength of the greenhouse effect in keeping the surface temperatures warm can vary from place to place due to changes in...
All of these
On the average, how much of the Sun's energy that is intercepted by the Earth system is reflected to space?
Is responsible for the redness of sunsets
The length of daylight gets progressively longer going south from the equator on...
June 21
All radiation emitted by the Earth and its atmosphere is in the category of...
Most of the solar energy absorbed by planet Earth and its atmosphere is absorbed by...
The Earth's surface
Which of the following gases is the best absorber of ultraviolet light?
The North Pole has a higher noon Sun angle than New York City (40degreeN lat.) on...
None of these
During natural processes, heat transfer is always from...
Warmer to cooler substances
Suppose the albedo of a planet is measured to be 40%. This means that...
40% of the Sun's energy is reflected
The Earth emits terrestrial radiation...
All the time
At 45degreesS latitude, the angle of the noon Sun is lowest and the length of daylight is shortest on...
June 21