Mendelian Genetics Vocabulary Flashcards (:

Created by Daisy Olaya.For Mrs. Goldberg's End of the Year Biology Project.6th period.

54 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The different forms of a gene. Y and y are different alleles of the gene that determines seed color. Alleles occupy the same locus, or position, on chromosomes.
A locus on any chromosome but a sex chromosome. Not sex-linked.
Co-Dominant Alleles
Two different alleles at a locus are responsible for different phenotypes, and both alleles affect the phenotype of the heterozygote.
Complete Linkage
Complete linkage describes the inheritance patterns for 2 genes on the same chromosome when the observed frequency for crossover between the loci is zero.
Crossing Over
Exchange of genetic material between non-sister chromatids from homologous chromosome during prophase I of meiosis; results in new allele combinations
Organisms produce only one type of gamete; i.e. humans
Cell with two of each kind of chromosome; is said to contain a diploid, or 2n, number of chromosomes
Dominant Trait
Cell with two of each kind of chromosome; is said to contain a diploid, or 2n, number of chromosomes
Haploid female sex cell produced by meiosis
One gene masks the expression of a different gene for a different trait.
F1 Generation
Offspring of a cross between true breeding plants, homozygous for the trait of interest
F2 Generation
Offspring of a cross involving the F1 generation.
Fusion of male and female gametes
Male and female sex cells, sperm and eggs
Genetic Recombination
Major source of genetic variation among organisms caused by re-assortment or crossing over during meiosis