Memory - Psychology Unit 1 Revision


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Sensory Memory
-Seperate sensory store-Encoding - Flexible-Capacity - Limited - 4 OR 5-Duration - Limited - millisecs - 2secs - SPERLING; type of info does iconic store register - aim duration and capacity in iconic store - 5 letters recall - 4 or 5 - array had fadded - visua info decayed
Short Term Memory
- Limited capacity-Small number of items-JACOBS; How much held? - serial digist span - letters and numbers - 5 + 9 items = stm limited capacity increases age-PETERSON AND PETERSON; duration stm - triagrams - 3 digit numbers - recall 369121518, 80% 3 secs, 30 secs no recall = 18-30 secs-BADDELY; encoding LTM and STM- ps in 4 groups - 5 words each cat, accoustically and semantically disssimiliar and simmiliar = STM IMMEDIATE RECALL, LTM 20MINS LATER, accoustically no errors therefore STM accoustic
Long term memory
-Permanent store-Unlimited capacity and dduration prefers to store info using semantic code-limitless few mins duration-BAHRICK ET AL; duration ltm - opportunity sample, 400 usa (17-74), 1 free recall, 2 photo recog, 3 name recog, natural experiment, 15 yrs 90%, 48years (80 name, 70 photo), last long time-BADDELEY; STM notes
Multi Store Model
1. Info enters from enviroment and reg sense memory2. sensory - brief - decay3. transfer info from sense - STM - paid attention4. STM store holds memory traces have duration 18-30 info stm usuallly encoded accoustically5. memory traces stm fragile and can be lost6. info rehearsed then ltm usually in term semantics7. describe strucutre features - 3 stores8.several control features - pay att, rehearsal- Strengths ; great deal research supports, clinical case studies, brainscans-Weaknesses - over simplified, one way stem, too much emphasis on rehearsal, stm and ltm not single unitary stores
Working Memory Model
-Baddeley and hitch disagreed with MSM view of stm of passive unitary store-WMM argues stm more complex-STM can perfom dual tasks- Central Exceutive ; system overall charge, very flexible, process any info-Visuo Spatial; slave system, holds and manipulates visual and spatial, relies on mental images- phonological loop; sound based, 2 components phonological and articulatory. - Strengths; wmm better more complex explanation of stm than msm, supported research baddeley dual tasks, points out dxsleyxia-Weaknesses; central e vague hard to measure, central exec may not be a single unitary component, musical memory not explained.
Misleading Infomation
-Leading questions-Post event information- Elizabeth and loftus investigated accuracy EWT and effects MQ or LQ on ewt - lab exp - 45 students - 5 different groups - 7car crash films - question after films -how fast were they going smashed collided bumped hit contacted - found smashed (41mph) contacted (32 mph) form q significant effect on witness.- Loftus and palmer - did you seen any broken glass, smashed, hit, no q control group, ps smashed 32%, hit 14%, controlled 12%.
-Loftus suggested reason for effect of anxiety on memory due to weapon efect and weapon focus-Loftus; lab experiement, one of 2 situations while outside lab exp, 1 condition violent, 1 condition friendly discussion, p's violent scene 33% I.D man, peaceful 49%, 50photos, less accurate.
Age Effecting EWT
- Yarney; when asked qs about staged event 80%elderly ps compared 205 young failed to mention knife.-Poole Lindsay; 3-8years science demo, parents read story, children questioned young children don't know where info from
Cognitive Interview
-Improving memory-Geiselman et al; 1. context reinstatement, 2 report everything 3 change perspectives 4 recall event different order, found student recalled more items with cognitive interview.
Strategies for memory improvement
- Mnemonics - memory aids, 2 main types - method of loci and narrative chaining-Method of loci; visual imagery 1 imagining familiar place and location, 2 visual images of item and location 3 imagine mentally walking through location-Narrative chaining; construct a story that contains all the information that you want to remember.