Memory (Psych 1 Final Exam)

Psychology final exam 2

19 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Characteristics of short term memory (7)
-holds only a few items-lasts only a very short period (30 seconds)-requires sustained attention, vulnerable to distraction-circulating-aided by chinking-best seen as "scratchpad" or working memory-organizes info for consolidation into LTM
Characteristics of long term memory (5)
-capacity limits unknown-includes both intentional/incidental (intentional more effective)-lasting memories occur after age 3/4-some memories can last a lifetime (permastore)-reconstructed, not replayed exactly (susceptible to motivated distortion, gaps filled by confabulation)
Explicit memory
Memory that a person can state, generally recognizing that it is the correct answer. involves temporal lobe
Implicit memory
An experience influences what you say or do even though you might not be aware of the influence
Levels of processing principle
Concept that the number and types of associations established during learning determine the ease of later retrieval of a memory (superficial and deep)
Encoding specificity principle
Associations you form at the time of learning will be the most effective retrieval cues
Mnemonic device
Memory aid that is based on encoding each item in a special way (includes method of Loci)
Permastore (3 requirements)
Memories can last a lifetime if they are well-learned, kept fresh with new learning, and rehearsed frequently
Process of memory reconstruction
We reconstruct an account based partly on surviving memories and partly on expectations of what must have happened
Digit span task
Participants are read a series of digits and must immediately repeat them back. length of longest list a person can remember in this fashion is that person's digit span
Types of memory interference
Proactive, retroactive
Proactive interference
Learning new material is harder after just learning other material
Retroactive interference
Recalling previously learned material is harder after just having learned new material
Korsakoff's Syndrome
Condition caused by prolonged deficiency of Vitamin B, prevalent in alcoholics. victims suffer apathy, confusion, amnesia
Types of clustering
Serial, semantic