Medical Insurance Ch 8

Medical insurance Ch 8

33 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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HIPAA X12 837 Health Care Claim or Equivalent Encounter Information
The HIPAA X12 837 transaction that a provider uses to report professional, institutional, or dental claims and that is also used to send a secondary or tertiary payer claim with the primary payer's RA/EOB data.
CMS 1500
Paper claim for physician services.
National Uniform Claim Committee (NUCC)
Organization responsible for the content of health care claims.
CMS-1500 (08/05)
Current paper claim approved by NUCC
Legacy numbers
A provider's identification number issued by a payer before implementation of the National Provider Indentification system.
Carrier block
Data entry area located in the upper right of the CMS-1500 that allows for a four line address for the payer.
Condition code
Two digit numeric or alphnumeric code used to report a special condition or unique circumstance about a claim; reported in Item Number 10d on the CMS-1500 claim form.
Pay to provider
The person or organization that is to receive payment for services reported on a HIPAA claim; may be the same as or different from the billing provider.
Rendering provider
Term used to identify the physician or other medical professional who provides the procedure reported on a health claim if other than the pay-to provider.
Billing provider
The person or organization (often a clearinghouse or billing service) sending a HIPAA claim, as distinct from the pay-to provider who receives payment.
Other ID number
Additional provider identification number supplied on a health care claim.
Two digit code for a type of provider identification number other than the National Provider Identifier (NPI)
Outside laboratory
Purchased laboratory services
Service line information
On a HIPAA claim,information about the services being reported.
Taxonomy code
Administrative code set under HIPAA used to report a physician's specialty when it affects payment.