Medical Insurance Ch 7

Medical insurance chapter 7

39 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Code linkage
The connection between a service and a patient's condition or illness establishes the medical necessity of the procedure.
Correct coding initiative
Computerized Medicare system to provent overpayment for procedures
Computerized screening system used to identify improperly or incorrectly reported codes.
CCI column 1/column 2 code pair edits
A Medicare code edit under which CPT codes in column 2 will not be paid if re3ported for the same patient on the same day of service by the same provider as the column 1 code.
Mutually exclusive code (MEC) edits
Under the CCI edits, both services represented by MEC codes could not have reasonably been done during a single patient encounter, so they will not both be paid by Medicare; only the lower-paid code is reimbursed.
CCI Modifier indicators
A number that shows whether the use of a modifier can bypass a CCI edit.
Medically unlikely edits (MUEs)
CMS unit-of-service eddits that check for clerical or software-based coding or billing errors, such as anatomically related misakes.
OIG Work Plan
The OIG's annual list of planned projects under the Medicare Fraud and Abuse Initiative.
Advisory opinions
An opinion issued by CMS or the OIG that becomes legal advice for the requesting party; a requesting party who acts according to the advice is immune from investigation on the matter; the advisory opinion provides guidance for other in similar matters.
Excluded parties
Individuals or companies that, because of reasons bearing on professional competence, professional performance, or financial integrity, are not permitted by the OIG to participate in any federal health care programs.
Truncated coding (errors in coding)
Diagnoses that are not coded at the highest level of specificity availab.e.
Assumption coding (errors in coding)
Reporting items or services that are3 not actually documented, but that the coder assumes were performed
Using a procedure that provides a higher reimbursement rate than the correct code.
Using a lower level code. some physicians downcode to be "safe"
Professional courtesy
Providing free medical services to other physicians