Medical Insurance Ch 11 Medicaid

Medical insurance 

24 cards   |   Total Attempts: 186

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Categorically needy
A person who receives assistance from government programs such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
Crossover claim
Claim for a Medicare or Medicaid beneficiary; Medicare is the primary payer and automatically transmits claim information to Medicaid as the secondary payer.
A Medicare-Medicaid beneficiary.
Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT)
Medicaid's prevention, early detection, and treatment program for eligible children under the age of twenty-one.
Federal Medicaid Assistance Percentage (FMAP)
Basis for federal government Medicaid allocations to individual states.
California's Medicaid program
Medically needy
Medicaid classification for people with high medical expenses and low financial resources, although not sufficiently low to receive cash assistance.
Medi-Medi beneficiary
Person who is eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid.
Payer of last resort
Regulation that Medicaid pays last on a claim when a patient has other insurance coverage.
Restricted status
A category of Medicaid beneficiary.
State-based Medicaid program requiring beneficiaries to pay part of their monthly medical expenses.
State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)
Program offering health insurance coverage for uninsured children under Medicaid.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
Government program that provides cash assistance for low-income families.
Welfare Reform Act
Law that established the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program in place of the Aid to Families with Dependent Children program and that tightened Medicaid eligibility requirements.
A federal and state assistance program that pays for health care services for people who can afford them.