Medical Assistant Final 2/21/12

Final Quiz 2/21/12

37 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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1. Know how many layers of skin we have?
Three layers. 1) EPIDERMIS- outer layer consists of dead cells filled with the protein keratin. 2) DERMIS - is composed of two layers and is inbetween the epidermis and the subcutaneous. 3) SUBCUTANEOUS - lowest layer of ingumentary systerm.
2. Know what arteries do?
The vessels that carry the blood away from the heart are called arteries. (They are elastic tube structures that expand & withstand the pressure of the blood being forced away from the heart to circulate throughout the body.)
3. Know the function of veins:
Very thinned walled vessels that move blood from tissues of the body to the heart. (Contain valves that prevent the blood from backing up into the heart. Have elastic walls but are not as thick or strong as arteries.)
4. Know the function of the integumentary system:
1) Protection 2) Regulation 3) Sensory reception 4) Absorption 5) Secretion
5. Know what a fracture is:
A break in the bone. Categorized as: - Complete fractures go across the entire bone. - Incomplete fractures go through only part of the bone. - Comminuted fractures are where the bone has broken into several pieces. - Greenstick fractures occure when the bone gets bent and only one side is fractured. Most common in children.
6. Know what a dislocation is:
A displacement of a bone end from the joint.
7. Know who Joseph Lister was:
1) Introduced antiseptic techniques to surgery. 2) Washing hands between patients/surgeries.
8. Know who Galan was:
1) Stressed the value of anatomy/physiology. 2) Believed arteries contained blood, not air.
9. Know who John Hunter was:
Developed surgery and surgical pathology into a science. - The term "surgeon" comes from Greek words: - "cheir" = hands - "ergeon" = work
10. Know who the father of medicine was:
Hippocrates (The ancient Greeks had the first scientific system of medicine. Associated with Hippocrates (460-377 BC). He practiced medicine when there was very little or no knowledge known about the body or how it works.)
11. Know who the first female doctor/physician in the US was:
Elizabeth Blackwell (1821-1910)
12. Know who the founder of modern nursing was:
Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) - Attention to record keeping, detail & compassion in nursing patients changed the way nursing was practiced. -Known as "the Lady with the Lamp" due to working night and day to supervise the nurses who cared for wounded soldiers.
13. Know what the caduceus is:
A symbol with two snakes coiled around a healing staff is the recognized cymbol for medicine. (Records of early Greek physicians used nonpoisonous snakes to treat the wounds of patients.)
14. Know what a respiratory cycle is:
One inhalation (breath in) and one exhalation (breath out). (Respiration is the act of breathing. It is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and the body's cells.)
15. Know what the axial skeletal consists of:
The bones in the axial skeleton are: 1) skull 2) vertebral column 3) rib cage The system contains: 1) skull 2) vertebra 3) ribs 4) sternum (breast bone) 5) sacrum 6) tailbone The axial skeleton is the central part of the skeleton. The head is composed of 22 bones, the skull has 8 bones and the face has 14 bones.