Choose Correct Option of Types of Distribution Channels in Marketing Flashcards

How well can do you know about Types of Distribution Channels in Marketing? Answer these quiz based flashcards based on the Types of Distribution Channels in Marketing and check your knowledge. Learn everything related to the Types of Distribution Channels in Marketing with the help of our flashcards quizzes with ease. ​

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Money offered by a manufacturer to employees of channel intermediaries to encourage them to sell the manufacturer's product.
a. A trade allowanceb Pull moneyc. A store demonstration incentived. A premium paymente. None of the above
E. None of the ebove
Supply Chain Management
a. is a physical flow processb. is customer-drivenc. provides enhanced customer and economic valued. plays the role of communicator of customer demande. all of the above
E. all of the above
Defined as all activities directly related to the sale of goods and services to the ultimate consumer for personal, non-business use or consumption
The major characteristic that is used to differentiate between types of intermediaries is whether they
Take title to the products they sell
An institution that buys goods from manufacturers, takes title to these goods, and resells them to business, government agencies, and/or other wholesalers or retailers
Agents and brokers
a. take title to merchandiseb. only represent a great deal of input on the terms of the salec. have a great deal of input on the terms of the saled. generally are on salary with the manufacturere. none of the above
E. none of the above
The three basic functions channel members perform
Transactional, logistical, facilitating
One configuration of a marketing channel entails producers selling to consumers with no intermediaries involved
Direct Channel
A competitive advantage can be developed by all BUT ONE of the following
a. Reverse engineer the product to copy successd. Deliver a product with high qualityc. Deliver a product at the lowest priced. Support a product with excellent servicee. Deliver truly unique product
A. Reverse engineer the product to copy success
What goes one step further than applied research by converting new technology applications into marketable products?
Product Development
The promotional mix is a combination of all BUT ONE of the following:
a. Advertisingb. PRc. Sales promotiond. Personal sellinge. Trade promotion
E. Trade promotion
In the long run, regardless of the effort put into the product management process, the most important factor determining if a consumer product will succeed or fail is
The way it implements its production strategy
Scientific investigation aimed at discovering new technologies
Basic research
Satisfied customers are likely to engage in positive word-of-mouth communication, thereby helping to bring in new customers. Thus, a means for attracting, developing, and retaining customers
Relationship Marketing
A product is best described as
Good, Service, Idea, Tangible